Microsoft Is Going To Replace Internet Explorer With His New Browser

Microsoft Is Going To Replace Internet Explorer With His New Browser

Hello friends Microsoft is said to be working on brand new browser codenamed Spartan, which will be replacing Internet Explorer 11 rather than updating it to new version. Spartan will reportedly be based on Microsoft’s Chakra JavaScript engine and Microsoft’s Trident rendering engine, which means it isn't switching over to WebKit.

While Internet Explorer is still one of the most used browsers, it is falling behind as the market is being dominated by Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and other mobile based browsers. Statistics say that IE once held 90 percent of the internet traffic but in 2014, it fell to 58 percent

Going by the report of ZDnet, Windows 10 for desktop could ship with both IE11 and Spartan. However, Spartan is simply the codename and it isn't clear what Microsoft would be calling it during release. The report further adds that IE 11 will be there for backward-compatibility and Spartan will be made available for both desktop and mobile versions of Windows 10. 
so friends according to you which is your favourite browser give suggestion...... 



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